Dance: Completely Music: Completely - Neal McCoy [The Life Of The Party]; 110 b/m Choreographer: Terry Hogan & Thomas O'Dwyer; 7/1999 Description: 2 wall, 72 count Upper Intermediate waltz line dance Tags/Restarts: 1 restart Starts: Feet together, weight on LEFT * 1-12: Side rock, recover, fwd, rock fwd, back, fwd; full L turn fwd, step, 1/4L pivot, cross, 1/4R: 1-3 Rock/step RIGHT to RIGHT side, replace weight onto LEFT, step RIGHT forward, 4-6 Rock/step LEFT forward, replace weight onto RIGHT, rock/replace weight onto LEFT, 1-3 Make full turn LEFT stepping forward RIGHT, LEFT, step RIGHT forward, 4-6 Make 1/4 pivot turn LEFT (weight onto LEFT), cross RIGHT over LEFT, step LEFT to LEFT side & 1/4 turn RIGHT, * 13-24: Back, back, 1/2L pivot, back, back, 1/2R pivot; back, rock back, recover, step, drag, hold: 1-3 Step RIGHT back, step LEFT back, make 1/2 reverse pivot turn LEFT (weight onto RIGHT), 4-6 Step LEFT back, step RIGHT back, make 1/2 reverse pivot turn RIGHT (weight onto LEFT), 1-3 Step RIGHT back, rock/step LEFT back (past RIGHT), replace weight onto RIGHT, 4-6 Stride/step LEFT forward, slide RIGHT toes to touch beside LEFT, hold, * 25-36: Back, rock back, recover, step, full L turn; back, drag, side rock, recover, behind, 1/2L unwind: 1-3 Step RIGHT back, rock/step LEFT back (past RIGHT), replace weight onto RIGHT, 4-6 Stride/step LEFT forward, slide RIGHT toes to touch beside LEFT & full turn LEFT on LEFT, (Keep RIGHT beside LEFT instep on turn & use both counts to turn) 1-3 Step RIGHT back, slide LEFT back beside RIGHT, rock/step LEFT to LEFT side, 5-6 Replace weight onto RIGHT, touch LEFT behind RIGHT, make 1/2 unwind turn LEFT (weight onto LEFT), ** * 37-48: Slow coaster, side rock, recover, cross; side rock, recover, cross, 3/4L unwind, back ball-step: 1-3 Step RIGHT back, step LEFT beside RIGHT, step RIGHT forward, 4-6 Rock/step LEFT to LEFT side, replace weight onto RIGHT, cross LEFT over RIGHT, 1-3 Rock/step RIGHT to RIGHT side, replace weight onto LEFT, cross RIGHT over LEFT, 4-5 Slow 3/4 unwind turn LEFT (weight finishes on RIGHT), &6 Step LEFT slightly back, step RIGHT beside LEFT, * 49-60: Waltz fwd, waltz back, step, 1/2L sweep, hold, step, 1/2R sweep, hold: 1-3 Step LEFT forward, step RIGHT beside LEFT, step LEFT in place, 4-6 Step RIGHT back, step LEFT beside RIGHT, step RIGHT in place, 1-3 Stride/step LEFT forward, make 1/2 turn LEFT on ball of LEFT & slide RIGHT around (on the floor) to touch RIGHT toes forward of LEFT, hold, 4-6 Stride/step RIGHT forward, make 1/2 turn RIGHT on ball of RIGHT & slide LEFT around (on the floor) to touch LEFT toes forward of RIGHT, hold, * 61-72: Step, hold, 1/2L, 1/2L & slow fwd coaster; 1/4R & side rock, recover, behind, 3/2L & cross: 1-3 Step LEFT forward, hold, make 1/2 turn LEFT & cross RIGHT behind LEFT (keep RIGHT toes on floor & slide RIGHT to position so feet are slightly crossed), 4-6 Make 1/2 turn LEFT on ball of RIGHT & step LEFT forward, step RIGHT beside LEFT, step LEFT back, 1-3 Make 1/4 turn RIGHT & rock/step RIGHT to RIGHT side, replace weight onto LEFT, cross RIGHT behind LEFT, 4-6 Step LEFT to LEFT side & 1/2 turn LEFT, step RIGHT forward to RIGHT diagonal & 1/2 turn LEFT, make 1/2 turn LEFT on ball of RIGHT & cross LEFT over RIGHT. Repeat ****** Restart: On the 5th wall the music slows & almost pauses as Neal sings "Darlin ------- completely". Hold briefly at count 36 (**) & then restart. As in a normal waltz pattern, make the first step of each 3 counts a long or stride step. The dance will feel best if 'stepped out'. Formatted 28th January, 2006;