Dance: Get A Life Music: Gonna Get a Life - Mark Chesnutt [What a Way to Live]; 174 b/m Choreographer: Carl Sullivan,, 02-9489-2367; 7/2005 Description: 2 wall, 64 count Intermediate line dance Tags/Restarts: 2 tags, 2 restarts Starts: Feet together, weight on left foot * 1-8: Step, tap, ball-change, tap, step, scuff, step, scuff: 1-2 Facing LEFT diagonal - step LEFT forward to LEFT diagonal, touch RIGHT beside LEFT, [10:30] &3-4 Rock/step RIGHT back on diagonal, replace weight onto LEFT, touch RIGHT beside LEFT, 5-6 Turn RIGHT to face RIGHT diagonal & step RIGHT forward, scuff LEFT beside RIGHT, [1:30] 7-8 Step LEFT forward to RIGHT diagonal, scuff RIGHT beside LEFT, * 9-16: Step, tap, ball-change, tap, step, scuff, step, spin L & hitch: 1-2 Step RIGHT forward to RIGHT diagonal, touch LEFT beside RIGHT, [1:30] &3-4 Rock/step LEFT back on diagonal, replace onto RIGHT, touch LEFT beside RIGHT, 5-6 Step LEFT forward to LEFT diagonal, scuff RIGHT beside LEFT, [10:30] 7-8 Step RIGHT forward to LEFT diagonal & start full turn LEFT, complete full turn LEFT trailing LEFT leg around (weight on RIGHT), * 17-24: Rock fwd, recover, side, cross, shuffle L, rock back, recover: 1-2 Rock/step LEFT forward to LEFT diagonal, replace onto RIGHT, [10:30] 3-4 Step LEFT to LEFT side & slightly back & straighten up, cross RIGHT over LEFT, [9:00] 5&6 Shuffle to LEFT side (L,R,L), 7-8 Rock/step RIGHT back, replace weight onto LEFT, * 25-32: Step, 1/2L pivot, 1/2L, back, coaster, 1/4R, together: 1-2 Step RIGHT forward, 1/2 pivot turn LEFT (onto LEFT), 3-4 Make 1/2 turn LEFT & step RIGHT back, step LEFT back, 5&6 Coaster (R,L,R), 7-8 Step LEFT forward & 1/4 turn RIGHT, slide RIGHT beside LEFT (weight onto RIGHT), *** * 33-40: Step, scuff, 1/2L & flick, scuff, step, scuff, 1/2R & flick, scuff: 1-2 Step LEFT forward, scuff RIGHT beside LEFT to raise RIGHT leg, [12:00] 3-4 Make 1/2 turn LEFT (on ball of LEFT) & flick RIGHT back, scuff RIGHT beside LEFT, 5-6 Step RIGHT forward, scuff LEFT beside RIGHT to raise LEFT leg, 7-8 Make 1/2 turn RIGHT (on ball of RIGHT) & flick LEFT back, scuff LEFT beside RIGHT, * 41-48: Step, tap, ball-heel, step, step, 1/4L pivot, sailor: 1-2 Step LEFT forward, touch RIGHT beside LEFT, [12:00] &3-4 Step RIGHT back, touch LEFT heel forward, step down on LEFT, 5-6 Step RIGHT forward, 1/4 pivot turn LEFT (onto LEFT), 7&8 Sailor (R,L,R), [9:00] * 49-56: Behind, 1/4R, 1/4R, tap, side, tap, side, tap: 1-2 Cross LEFT behind RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side & 1/4 turn RIGHT, [12:00] 3-4 Make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step LEFT to LEFT side, touch RIGHT beside LEFT & clap, [3:00] 5-6 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, touch LEFT beside RIGHT & clap, 7-8 Step LEFT to LEFT side, touch RIGHT beside LEFT & clap, * 57-64: 1/4R, scuff, step, spin R & scuff, step, step, step, tap: 1-2 Make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, scuff LEFT beside RIGHT, [6:00] ** 3-4 Step LEFT forward, full turn RIGHT (on ball of LEFT) & scuff RIGHT beside LEFT, 5-8 Walk forward RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, touch LEFT beside RIGHT. [6:00] Repeat ****** Tags: On 1st & 3rd walls replace count 64 (a tap) with a step forward, then step RIGHT ---- forward and hold for 3 counts, then restart. Restarts: On 5th wall restart after count 32 (***) facing front. -------- On 7th wall the music stops. Dance to count 58 then add the following before restarting to the front (ie: replace full turn & scuff [60] with a step tgthr): 1-2 Step LEFT forward, step RIGHT beside LEFT. Formatted 11th August, 2005;