Dance: Electric Slide Song: Electric Boogie; Achey Breaky Heart etc. Artist: Marcia Griffiths Album: Choreography and/or copyright: unknown Level: beginner Walls: 4 Count: 18 Start: Weight on left, first step on right foot This is probably the simplist line dance you can learn. It was the first I learnt. The trick with this dance, to stop it getting boring, is to be imaginative and vary the steps. Complete turns on the vines, fancy footwork, anything you like as long as you keep to the beat and stay in line with everyone else. The touches can be replaced with scuffs, hitches or whatever else you like. The Australian version of the dance is a 20-count dance called Elvira. Just before the 1/4 turn at the end there are two rock-steps. 1-4 Vine RIGHT (R,L,R,L) with a touch on the final step, 4-8 Vine LEFT (L,R,L,R) with a touch on the final step, 9-12 Step backwards (R,L,R,L) with a touch on the final step, 13-16 Step forward with LEFT and touch with RIGHT Step back with RIGHT and touch with LEFT 17-18 Step forwards on LEFT, touch RIGHT and 1/4 turn to LEFT Repeat In all it's step by step detail .... Vine to the right: 1 Step right foot step to right side, 2 Step left foot just behind right, 3 Step right foot step to right side, 4 Left foot touch beside right (clap hands), Vine to the left: 5 Step left foot step to left side, 6 Step right foot just behind left, 7 Step left foot step to left side, 8 Right foot touch beside left (clap hands), Walk back: 9 Right foot step back, 10 Left footstep back, 11 Right foot step back, 12 Left foot touch beside right (clap hands), Step forward, touch, step back and touch: 13 Step left foot step forward, 14 Touch right foot touch behind left, 15 Step right foot step back, 16 Touch left foot touch beside right, Step and turn: 17 Step left foot step forward, 18 Pivot 1/4 turn to left on left foot, at same time scuff right foot forward as turn is made, Start over again! Transcribed: David Powell, 29th October, 1999.