Dance: Honk if You Honky Tonk Music: Honk if You Honky Tonk - George Strait [Honkytonkville], 156 b/m Choreograped by: Carl Sullivan,; 7/2003 Description: 4 wall, 32 count, Intermediate linedance Bridge/restart: 1 tag Start: Feet together, weight on left foot * 1-8: Kick-ball-step, point, 1/2R, side-shuffle, sailor & 1/4R: 1&2 Kick RIGHT foot forward, step RIGHT beside LEFT, step LEFT forward, 3-4 Touch RIGHT toe to RIGHT side, make 1/2 turn RIGHT (on LEFT) & step RIGHT beside LEFT, 5&6 Shuffle to the LEFT (L,R,L), 7&8 Cross RIGHT behind LEFT, rock/step LEFT to LEFT side, make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, * 9-16: Shuffle fwd, 1/4L, curtsey, side, curtsey, 1/2R, step: 1&2 Shuffle forward (L,R,L), 3-4 Make 1/4 turn LEFT & step RIGHT to RIGHT side, touch LEFT behind RIGHT & clap, 5-6 Step LEFT to LEFT side, touch RIGHT behind LEFT & clap, 7-8 Make 1/2 turn RIGHT (weight onto RIGHT), step LEFT forward, * 17-24: Kick-ball-curtsey x2, rock, recover, shuffle fwd: 1&2 Kick RIGHT forward & slightly to the RIGHT, step RIGHT beside LEFT, touch LEFT behind RIGHT, 3&4 Kick LEFT forward & slightly to the LEFT, step LEFT beside RIGHT, touch RIGHT behind LEFT, 5-6 Rock/step RIGHT back, recover weight onto LEFT, 7-8 Step RIGHT forward, 3/4 turn LEFT & step LEFT forward, * 25-32: Side-shuffle, rock, recover, side, 1/2R hinge, shuffle fwd: 1&2 Shuffle to the RIGHT (R,L,R), 3-4 Rock/step LEFT behind RIGHT, recover weight onto RIGHT, 5-6 Step LEFT to LEFT side, 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT to RIGHT side, 7&8 Shuffle forward (L,R,L). Repeat ****** Tag: At the end of 2nd wall add the following: --- 1-4 Rock/step RIGHT forward, recover weight onto LEFT, rock/step RIGHT back, recover weight onto LEFT. Finish: Continue dancing when the heavy beat finishes. The last wall ------ starts facing 9:00. Dance the 1st 6 counts of the dance & replace the 1/4 turn RIGHT on the sailor (7&8) with a 1/4 turn LEFT to face the front & end the dance. Transcribed: David Powell, 16th July, 2003. Revised 26/7/2003