Dance: Little Ship Music: Little Ship - The New Diamonds [Out of the Blue]; 128 b/m Under The Boardwalk - The Drifters [-]; 130 b/m On My Knees - Charlie Rich & Janie Fricke [Classic Country Great Duets]; 116 b/m Sorry - The Borderers [-]; 116 b/m The Gulf Of Mexico - Clint Black [-]; 110 b/m Choreographer: Bill Bader,; 4/2005 Description: 4 wall, 32 count Beginner line dance Tags/Restarts: none Starts: Feet together, weight on left foot. 32 count intro * 1-8: Side, tgthr, side, tap, rolling vine L, tap: 1-4 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, step LEFT beside RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, touch LEFT toe beside RIGHT, 5-8 Step LEFT to LEFT side & 1/4 turn LEFT, step RIGHT forward & 1/2 turn LEFT, step LEFT back & 1/4 turn LEFT, touch RIGHT toe beside LEFT, * 9-16: Rhumba box: 1-4 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, step LEFT beside RIGHT, step RIGHT forward, touch LEFT toe beside RIGHT, 5-8 Step LEFT to LEFT side, step RIGHT beside LEFT, step LEFT back, touch RIGHT toe beside LEFT, * 17-24: Back, lock, back, drag, back, lock, back, tap: 1-4 Step RIGHT back, lock LEFT over RIGHT, step RIGHT back, slide LEFT toe back, 5-8 Step LEFT back, lock RIGHT over LEFT, step LEFT back, touch RIGHT toe beside LEFT, * 25-32: Side, behind, side, side, behind, 1/4R, rock fwd, recover: 1-4 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, cross LEFT behind RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, step LEFT to LEFT side, 5-8 Cross RIGHT behind LEFT, step LEFT to LEFT side & 1/4 turn LEFT, rock/step RIGHT forward bending knee for a slight dip, ** recover weight onto LEFT. Repeat ****** ** Or cross-step on count 31 if you prefer. Styling of Arms for 7-8: Sweep RIGHT hand across front of body, palm down as hand moves low and to the LEFT, then palm up moving RIGHT as you recover to the next step. LEFT arm is held behind body in any comfortable position. Formatted 23rd February, 2006;