Dance: Papa Bear's Bed Song: Papa Bear Artist: Keith Harling Album: Write it in Stone Choreography and/or copyright: Jan Wyllie Level: Intermediate Walls: 2 Count: 64 Dance Beat: intermediate Start: Weight on right foot * Rock-step, cha-cha, 6 rocks, shuffle forward: 1- 2 Rock forward onto LEFT foot, weight back on RIGHT, 3& 4 Shuffle on spot (cha-cha): LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, 5-10 Rock back onto RIGHT foot, weight forward onto LEFT, Rock forward onto RIGHT foot, weight back onto LEFT, Rock back onto RIGHT foot, weight forward onto LEFT, 11&12 Shuffle forward: RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, * Two rock-step-step's with 1/2 turn, two steps with full turn: 13-14 Rock forward onto LEFT foot, weight back on RIGHT, starting 1/2 turn LEFT, 15 Complete 1/2 turn and step forward with LEFT foot, 16-17 Rock forward onto RIGHT foot, weight back on LEFT, starting making 1/2 turn RIGHT, 18 Complete 1/2 turn and step forward with RIGHT foot, 19-20 Walk forward LEFT, RIGHT making a full turn RIGHT, * Rock-step, cha-cha, two 4 count coaster-steps: 21-22 Rock forward onto LEFT foot, weight back on RIGHT, 23&24 Shuffle on spot (cha-cha): LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, 25-28 Step back with RIGHT foot, together with LEFT, forward with RIGHT and hold, 29-32 Step forward with LEFT foot, together with RIGHT, back with LEFT and hold, * Side rock-step, 1/4 turn left, 1/2 pivot, shuffle forward: 33-34 Rock RIGHT onto RIGHT foot, weight back on LEFT, 35-36 Cross RIGHT foot behind LEFT and make 1/4 turn LEFT and step forward onto LEFT foot, 37-38 Step forward with RIGHT foot and make 1/2 pivot turn LEFT with weight on LEFT foot, 39&40 Shuffle forward: RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, * Left then right: long-step, together & bump hips twice: 41-44 Long-step forward with LEFT foot at 45 degrees to the LEFT, slide together with RIGHT, bump hips RIGHT then LEFT, 45-48 Long-step forward with RIGHT foot at 45 degrees to the RIGHT, slide together with LEFT, bump hips LEFT then RIGHT, * Rock-step, 3/4 turn left, side, side, cross-shuffle: 49-50 Rock forward onto LEFT foot, weight back onto RIGHT, 51 Step back with LEFT foot making 1/2 turn LEFT, 52 Step forward with RIGHT foot making a 1/4 turn LEFT, 53-54 Cross LEFT behind RIGHT foot, step RIGHT with RIGHT, 55&56 Cross LEFT in front of RIGHT, step RIGHT with RIGHT (on &) and together with LEFT, * Rock-step, cross-shuffle, side, together, back, together: 57-58 Rock RIGHT onto RIGHT foot, weight back onto LEFT, 59&60 Cross RIGHT in front of LEFT, step LEFT with LEFT (on &) and together with RIGHT, 61-62 Step LEFT with LEFT foot, step together with RIGHT foot, 63-64 Step back with LEFT foot, step together with RIGHT foot. Repeat Transcribed: David Powell, 6th June, 2000.