Dance: Pearl Snaps Music: Pearl Snaps - Deryl Dodd [-], medium Choreography & copyright: Fulvio Durazza; 7/2002 Level: Lower-Intermediate Walls: 4 Count: 48 Bridge/restart: no Start: Feet together, weight on left foot * Rock, recover, shuffle fwd & 1/2 turn, 1/2 turn, back, coaster: 1- 2 Rock/step RIGHT forward, replace weight onto LEFT, 3& 4 Shuffle forward (R,L,R) & 1/2 turn RIGHT, 5- 6 Make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step LEFT back, step RIGHT back, 7& 8 Step LEFT back, step RIGHT together, step LEFT forward, * Shuffle fwd, step, step, sailor, sailor: 9&10 Shuffle forward (R,L,R), 11-12 Step LEFT forward, step RIGHT forward, 13&14 Sailor (L,R,L), 15&16 Sailor (R,L,R), * Behind-rock, recover, side-shuffle, 1/2 turn & side-shuffle, cross-rock, recover: 17-18 Cross-rock/step LEFT behind RIGHT, replace weight onto RIGHT, 19&20 Shuffle to LEFT (L,R,L), &21&22 Make 1/2 turn RIGHT on LEFT (on &), shuffle to RIGHT (R,L,R), 23-24 Rock/step LEFT over RIGHT, replace weight onto RIGHT, * 1/4 turn & shuffle fwd, heel-ball-cross, side-heel-ball-cross, side-heel-ball-step: &25&26 Make 1/4 turn LEFT on RIGHT (on &), shuffle forward (L,R,L), *** 27&28 Touch RIGHT heel to RIGHT side, jump RIGHT to centre (on &), cross LEFT over RIGHT, &29&30 Jump RIGHT to RIGHT side (on &), touch LEFT heel forward, jump LEFT to centre (on &), cross RIGHT over LEFT, &31&32 Jump LEFT to LEFT side (on &), touch RIGHT heel forward, jump RIGHT to centre (on &), step LEFT forward, * Rock, recover, shuffle back, back, 1/2 turn, shuffle fwd: 33-34 Rock/step RIGHT forward, replace weight onto LEFT, 35&36 Shuffle back (R,L,R), 37-38 Step LEFT back, 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, 39&40 Shuffle forward (L,R,L), * Rock, recover, coaster, step, 1/2 pivot, behind-side-cross: 41-42 Rock/step RIGHT forward, replace weight onto LEFT, 43&44 Step RIGHT back, step LEFT together, step RIGHT forward, 45-46 Step LEFT forward, 1/2 pivot turn RIGHT (weight on RIGHT), 47&48 Cross LEFT behind RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side (on &), cross LEFT over RIGHT. Repeat ****** *** The original step sheet is ambigious here, it could equally well mean to make a 1/4 turn *and then* shuffle forward or it could mean shuffle forward *with* a 1/4 turn. The latter is messier, so I have gone with the former interpretation above. Just beware that others may interpret it differently. The former interpretation means the shuffle travels towards the 3:00 wall, whilst the latter means the shuffle travels towards the 6:00 wall. If in doubt, take small steps! Transcribed: David Powell, 30th November, 2002.