Dance: S.K. Shuffle Music: Black Velvet - Alannah Myles [Alannah Myles], 92 b/m (Other versions of this song will fit. Can also be done to "Just A Little - Liberty X" & many other songs) Choreography & copyright: unknown Level: Beginner Walls: 4 Count: 16 Bridge/restart: tag done at start of dance, once only Start: Feet together, weight on right foot Intro (Done only once) ----- 1-3 Step LEFT foot to LEFT side, step RIGHT foot behind LEFT, step LEFT foot to LEFT side, Dance ----- * 1-8: Rock fwd, recover, rock back, recover, full turn, shuffle fwd: 1-2 Rock/step RIGHT forward & across LEFT, recover weight back onto LEFT foot, 3-4 Rock/step RIGHT foot back, recover weight forward onto LEFT, 5-6 Moving forward: make 1/2 turn LEFT & step RIGHT foot back, make 1/2 turn LEFT & step LEFT foot forward, 7&8 Step RIGHT foot forward, step LEFT together (on &), step RIGHT foot forward, * 9-16: 1/2 turn, step, shuffle fwd, back, back, 1/4 turn, step: 1-2 Make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step LEFT foot back, step RIGHT foot forward, 3&4 Step LEFT foot forward, step RIGHT together (on &), step LEFT foot forward, 5-6 Step RIGHT foot back, step LEFT foot back, 7-8 Make 1/4 turn LEFT & step RIGHT together, step LEFT foot forward. Repeat ****** Note: A large number of variations exist for this dance and there is no 'set' dance sheet. The above is how I was taught the dance and is similar to the sheet on Kickit. Turns can be added almost everywhere and counts 14-15 can be replaced by "touch left toe back, 1/4 unwind turn left (weight on right), step left forward" or replace count 15 with a 1/4 pivot turn left (weight onto right). The dance is also traditionally done to Black Velvet (there are several versions of this song), however it is also done to a wide range of different songs and often done as a floor split with a more recent dance. Locally it's currently done as a floor split with Rob Fowler's S.X.E. Transcribed: David Powell, 8th June, 2003.